North Dakota
North Dakota became a state in 1889 (39th). Physically it is noted for its grassy plains, fertile soil and southwest corner badlands, providing an abundance of agriculture, oil/coal and wind as natural resources. Per the Census statistics for 2019, ND has a total population of 779K people of which 593K live in incorporated places (source: US Census Bureau 2010-19 data).
125K (21%) population live in 1 City >100K
304K (51%) population live in 8 medium sized cities 10K-100K
99K (17%) population live in 44 Small towns 1K-10K
65K (11%) population live in 304 / Villages 1-1K
Click the map below to see the location of North Dakota's Small Towns (pop.1K-10K).
North Dakota State map show casing small towns with populations between 1K and 10K. Click on map dot icon to get information about each town. Click on the town photo to bring up even more photos. The star icon indicates more information is available.
Featured Small Towns
Town name (population): Research Page | Vibe blog
State Income tax rate: 1.1 - 2.9%
Median State Property tax rate: 1.42%
State + local Sales tax rate: 6.56%
North Dakota City / Town Government Definitions
Small Town Tracker